Monday, March 22, 2010

Robert Frost

We hear his name is we're in ear's reach of a Lit lover, poetry person, or my grandpa. Robert Frost must be famous, but what does he have to bring to the table. Hows about "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," granted the given assignment. To be honest, what is this poem about? What's the endgame? I'm following the 'story,' the man?, and the horse, but what's the predicament? Must be the snow which is halting the en route, thus the twofolded "And miles to go before I sleep." Are the snowed-in journeyers waiting for their break or are they enjoying the ambiance and scenery? I reckon that the teammates weren't planning for this roadblock, but they're not necessarily unhappy with their situation. It's not an ideal situation for the mates to be stuck in the snow, but, hey, they're enjoying it while it's here and there. They stop their trip, they have a ways to go, and, right then, it doesn't matter that their blockaded; it's a deep, dark, white wonderland. The woods are their home for now and it's worth the wait.

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