Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rough Sonnet 'N' Found Poetry

Sonnet -

I guess you say…dashing eye games of play.

She is a know-it-all, per say. Look here.

Say you see. What can make me feel this way?

Look empirically, my girl. My fear.

The vitals inside slither and wither.

Slim impression. Will this one be worth it?

How shall’st such gal come o’er hither?

Then, our eyes click. Initiative’s hit!

This instant, neither good judgment or luck,

Hit me. This moment, I needn’t a coach.

No need to act or move. He’s right there, stuck.

Just be my girl, by making the approach.

Y’all’s sight is no worse than hers or mine.

All’s thinkin’, be-shortsighted sometimes.

Found Poetry -


Of course, not all thermometers are reliable, and even a reliable one may be accurate only under certain conditions.


Certain all condition are, of’, under

and, ‘course, reliable only thermometers.

May even a reliable one be accurate?

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