Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Little Push

What do I get for appealing to the wise? Appealing to authority? Appealing to the man? What do I get out of a radical change in my lifestyle? Hells nahhh, being school oriented? Where's my ends with that? Where's the love, where's the fun? Wasn't I doing just fine before? Really? Was I on the path to happiness? Can I get to happiness without this lifestyle change? Learning to read (faster and gooder) is best? Will this open more doors? Will I want to dig deeper if I enjoy it? How do I know what I think till I see what I say? What's and where's the point? Is there a point? Can I do something without being the best? Am I the best? Am I a bad person? Are these questions answerable? Do these questions have a theme? No? Is this stream of consciousness or is this for real? What do I need to do? What must I do?
Yes or no, all I need is a little push.

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