Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Presentations' Reflections

Rule one: don't be in a group with four other, the only others, girls. Naw, jokes on me, I suppose, and pardon my sexism. All's well after our prez. Did we have trouble organizing? Did we have trouble writing? Did we have theme trouble? Did we have many other troubles? Yes. Yes. Yes. Aaand, yeah, sure.
But hey, nothing ever goes according to plan, right? I suppose that it did, I mean didn't, 'cause it sure worked. A true success, did we plan that? Naw. I give all-around props to my group and mates. We did the job, boys and girls. By the way, wasn't my last ad lib in the skit a hail to sexism? No matter, that -ism doesn't exist in our generation, right? Only it's fun remains.
As for my singled-out prez. I thought that went...okay, at least. I'll take it, we'll say. Gotta hand it to them Dixies, they got straight to my point by "Taking the Long Way." Props, mates. I mean ladies, you liberated me. Anywho, they weren't the core point; that was all about my incompetence. Live and learn, yo.

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